Thursday, December 15, 2011

Pinterest Review #1: Queso Blanco (White Cheese Dip)

Welcome to my first Pinterest review! I am excited about this because I find things to pin ALL. THE. TIME. The problem arises when I put energy and time into a project (both are pretty scarce in my world) and the idea or tutorial turns out to be a flop. This will be the first of many Pinterest reviews, I hope. :)

Ok- so let's get to the Queso Blanco! First of all, if you are not familiar with Queso Blanco it's widely available in just about every Mexican restaurant in the South. I have to say that the worst Mexican food in the world is in San Diego, California. When my husband and I moved there that was such a shock. We had grown accustomed to the awesomeness of Chicken Fajita Nachos and I could eat Queso Blanco every Sunday after church. I have lived many places (we are a Navy family, after all) and I had to live 2 years without this amazing stuff when we lived in San Diego, and 1 year when we lived in Maryland. It was a happy day when we moved to South Carolina and Queso Blanco was abundant. Anyway- my husband and I have tried to replicate this dip several times, but we could never get the recipe quite right. Enter Pinterest. One of the first recipes I pinned was for Queso Blanco. With the thought of another move to San Diego or (shutter) Washington state I realized that I needed to try this. I couldn't go another two years without this stuff.

First, the ingredients given in this recipe were all EASY to find. The only thing I was kind of worried about was the White American Cheese. Apparently that is the secret ingredient (who knew, right??). I easily found White American Cheese at the deli counter at Harris Teeter. Usually, they slice the cheese for you, but I asked for it in a block. That made life a little easier for the deli employees, so they were happy to oblige.

I made the dip that night. I have to say that not only was it easy. . . IT TASTED JUST LIKE THE RESTAURANT VERSION! My husband was thrilled, and so was I. My little Mayhaw even got into dipping her chip in the cheesy goodness. She was impressed. :)

1. You're not going to have all the ingredients on hand, but they are easy to find in your local grocery store.
2. The dip was fabulous and tasted terrific.

1. Expensive. I paid about $11 for all of the cheese. Considering that a small bowl costs about $4 at a Mexican restaurant, you'll probably get a better deal there. Of course, you'll be buying a whole meal there, so maybe it's not as cheap. I suppose it depends on what you're ordering at the restaurant.
2. This recipe makes A LOT of dip! We ate on it for 3 days. The portions that the recipe calls for are really big. It's really a great size for a party, but for a family you'll probably want to cut the recipe in half. I guess that's not really a con, but when I spent $11 on just the cheese and I realized that I could have cut it in half and saved myself $5.50 and still had plenty- I was a little frustrated.
3. I'm sure that the calories and fat content are off the scale for this recipe. I have not calculated the calorie content, and I think I'll keep it that way. I wouldn't recommend getting a cholesterol test the next day.

In sum, this recipe did not disappoint and now I can get Queso Blanco whenever I want! I highly recommend this recipe!

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