Saturday, November 30, 2013

Corduroy the Bear Birthday: How to Do It Yourself!

My child has loved the book Corduroy since before she was even a year old and has enjoyed all of the related Corduroy books in the series. Corduroy is a busy bear. He goes to the Fire Station, he has birthday parties, he goes to the beach, he is practically the Barbie of plush. For my daughter's second birthday I knew that a Corduroy theme was a must. I had so much fun making all of the cakes, the treat bags, the birthday banner, the table cloth, etc. Here is how her party looked.

Here I am with my birthday girl! I made her birthday dress, which has pictures of Corduroy the Bear on it. I found the fabric here at A & A's Fabric Attic. Please note that this fabric is a ribbed knit. It is much heavier than cotton and it stretches. I made it work even though my dress pattern called for lightweight cottons. When my mom got into town she whipped up a matching apron for me to wear with the extra fabric I had. Moms always save the day!

Here is a better look at the dress. She LOVED it.

This is a picture of the island in my kitchen. The table cloth is just 2 yards of corduroy fabric I bought on sale at Hancock Fabrics. I found some purple plaid cotton, cut out the shape of a pocket and sewed it onto the corduroy to make "A Pocket for Corduroy." I found these oversized buttons at Hancock Fabrics and scattered them around the island. The brown spots are bears that I punched out with a Martha Stewart brand shape cutter (bought it at Michael's). Of course, I had the main Corduroy books on display.

I found these party hats at A.C. Moore in a big bin in the middle of the store. They were $1 each. All of the kids got to take them home after the party.

More decor. The table cloth is from Bed, Bath and Beyond. The Corduroy plush is from Books a Million. He actually reads the entire original Corduroy book! He was $8 on sale! I wish I had gotten a better picture of the banner. I made it out of the leftover corduroy and plaid cotton fabric I had from the table cloth on the island.

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